Privacy statement

1. Roles

We, Meetando AS (org. No. 925 122 718, Håkonskastet 5, 1453 Bjørnemyr), provide platforms/websites for digital events in which participants ('you', 'you', 'your' and 'your') can watch videos, ask questions, participate in polls, etc. The platforms/websites are customised landing pages for the employer, organization or association which organizes the digital event ('data controller' or 'client').

We collect your personal data in the role of data processor on behalf of our clients who have entered into an agreement with us for our web-based solution Meetando (the 'Service'). If the agreement with us has been entered into via an event agency, the event agency will be the data processor and we, in turn, will be the sub-processor for the client.

If you visit our platforms/websites without logging into the service, we will indirectly collect some of your personal data in our capacity of data processor.

2. What personal information is collected and why?

2.1 Visit to our platforms/websites and use of cookies

When you visit our website at or a platform/website we have customised for one of our clients, please be informed that, through the use of cookies, we might collect personal data that can indirectly be linked to you as a person.

A cookie is a small text file that enables websites to recognize your PC, mobile or tablet each time you visit them. A cookie is a passive file that does not spread viruses or other malicious programs.

When you register or log in via our platform/website, we collect the following information about you:

We collect this information in order to:

The information is temporarily stored in a log file and is deleted after 21 days.

2.2 use of service

To be able to log into digital events, either on or on a customised platform/website, either we, you or the client, need to submit some of the the following data:

Submitting this data will allow you to create a user profile, log in to our platform/website and, in turn, it will enable us to register which events you have been invited to or have participated in. Collecting personal data is necessary for us to provide the service to you (GDPR art. 6 (1) b).

During digital events, you can choose to share documents, photos or write instant messages. In this instance, your name, and any personal information you choose to share, will appear in the chat. This action will be based on your active consent (GDPR art. 6 (1) a). Chats and documents will only be visible to the participants of the event.

In the case of an hybrid event, we might request additional information from those who wish to physically attend the event. We might request information about:

This is necessary to ensure the safety of the food served during the event and it is optional for you to supply this information.

If you send us a question through our contact form, your name and your request will be sent to the organiser's moderators.

2.3 Troubleshooting and Support

In order to assist you or our clients, we will collect:

This is done in order to assist you with troubleshooting, answering your questions and improving our service. Collecting this information is necessary to be able to deliver the service to you (GDPR art. 6 (1) b).

3. How do we secure your personal information?

The protection of your personal data is our priority. We work continuously to protect your personal data and other confidential information. Our security measures include physical, technical and administrative measures.

We make every effort to ensure that all communication and storage of data occurs in accordance with established standards and security practices; our service (Meetando/Excite/ Congress) is created as an independent unit which has its own databases and its own servers. We only use reputable subcontractors who meet our requirements for security and who, if necessary, enter into a data processor agreement with us.

When we manage personal data on behalf of our clients, the client instructs us in the security measures needed to be implemented in the service and the security level is adapted throughout the process.

4. How long is your personal infromation stored

You can choose to delete your account by contacting the client (contact information at the bottom of the page). The clients can instruct us to erase, return the personal data we process on their behalf, or they can erase the data themselves.

We will process personal information as long as the task given to us by the client is active and as long as requirements related to specific personal information are possible to arise.

5. Treatment of you personal information

We do not share your personal information with others unless there is a legal basis for such disclosure.

5.1 Suppliers

We use third-party services to operate our websites/platforms, host servers and databases, emails and to ensure good stability and correct functionality on the site. All the servers and databases are located in the EU / EEA.

To ensure that your personal information is processed in accordance with applicable privacy legislation and with our guidelines, we enter into data processor agreements with the third- party services that we share personal data with. We do not relinquish control of the data and we remain in control; the external services are not allowed to use the data other than for the service we require from them.

6. Your rights

There are laws in place to help you protect your privacy. If you use the service via your employer, organization or association, you would need to contact the client directly. If you use the service directly through us and we are the data controller, you can contact us at the email address you will find in point 7.

With some exceptions, you have the following rights with regards to your personal information:

6.1 Information on the collecting/managing/processing of personal data

You have the right to be informed about how we collect/manage/process your personal data. It is important that the following information is clear to you: how the data is used, the consequences the processing may have, your rights and how these rights can be exercised.

6.2 Access, rectification and erasure of your personal data

You have the right to request access to your personal data. You can do so logging onto 'Your profile' on Meetando platforms/websites. Here you can also rectify/erase inaccurate information about you. You can also contact the data controller directly to exercise your rights to access, rectification and erasure.

You can ask the data controller to erase personal data about you if the storage of the data is no longer necessary in relation to the purpose for which it was collected/processed, if you withdraw your consent or object to the processing and there is no overriding legitimate ground to continue processing.

However, you don’t have the right to ask for your personal data to be erased in the event that we, or the data controller, are required by law to store it, (GDPR art. 17 (3) b) or if further processing is necessary to establish, exercise or defend legal claims (GDPR art. 17 (3) e).

6.3 Object

You have the right to object against the gathering and processing of your personal data in case there are reasons related to a special situation or in the event in which there are reasons to believe that we processed your personal data based on our interest.

6.4 Limited use of personal information

You can request for your personal information not to be used for anything else other than to establish, assert or defend a legal claim (e.g. demand payment for a service), to protect someone else's rights or to safeguard important public interests in the event of:

6.5 Data portability

You have the right to request that we disclose your personal information to another organization or to yourself. The purpose of this right is to allow you control over your own information, and will, among other things, make it easier for you to move your data from one organization to another.

The right only applies to information that you have given to us, and only in the event that we use the information to fulfill an agreement we have with you or that the use of the information is based on your consent.

6.6 Complaints

If you have complaints with the way we process your personal information, you can complain to Datatilsynet (The Norwegian Data Protection Authority). However, we ask that you contact us first so that we can take a position on your complaints and resolve any misunderstandings and correct the action directly. See our contact information in point 7. If you are still not satisfied with the way we handled your complaint, you can contact Datatilsynet (The Norwegian Data Protection Authority).

7. Contact information

For inquiries related to our processing of personal data, you can contact us by email at: support(at) .

8. Changes

We update the privacy statement as needed. You will be notified if we make significant changes. Revised editions with an updated revision date will be available on our website.

Data controller


Snarøyveien 30
1360 Fornebu